Hypnobirthing With Hannah

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6 ways that your baby will benefit from hypnobirthing

During pregnancy, birth and in the postnatal period.

So often, expectant parents see hypnobirthing as an investment for themselves and let’s face it, most of us are terrible at prioritising ourselves so birth preparation falls to the bottom of the list.

We might talk ourselves out of a hypnobirthing course because we don’t see it as beneficial for our baby but I’m here to tell you that there are huge benefits for your baby when you practise hypnobirthing for labour.

Here are 6 benefits of practising hypnobirthing for you and your baby:

Benefits for your baby during pregnancy when you practise hypnobirthing techniques:

1. Lower levels of the stress hormone - So many of us live busy and stressful lives, we are here, there and everywhere. The world doesn’t stop because we are pregnant, however, studies have shown that the stress hormone known as cortisol can pass to our unborn baby during pregnancy.

It’s important to take time out during pregnancy and practising the ‘hypno’ part of hypnobirthing (including deep breathing, listening to your hypnobirthing tracks etc), as this helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (the calm response mode), this helps to lower the stress hormone (cortisol) in your system.

Taking dedicated time out for yourself, even just 10 minutes a day to practise your hypnobirthing techniques can help your baby by lowering the stress hormone in both of your systems.

2. A better night’s sleep for you and baby - Hello pregnancy insomnia!! So many of my clients have reported that the hypnobirthing tracks that I give out on my courses help them to drift off to sleep and stay asleep.

These tracks have been developed by a hypnotherapist (not all hypnobirthing tracks are the same, make sure you check with your hypnobirthing teacher if they are hypnosis tracks or relaxation tracks). When you are able to rest and sleep, your baby is able to rest and sleep too, vital for their little bodies.

Top tip - Listen to your hypnobirthing tracks out loud during pregnancy, you will see why when you get to tip 6

Benefits for your baby during labour when you practise hypnobirthing

3. Make it easier for your unborn baby to do their job during labour - Your baby works during labour too, they play an active role. Often unborn babies will tuck their chin in before they are born so that the heaviest part of their skull hits the cervix (if they are in the most optimal position). They will twist and turn and navigate their way through birth too.

Those who use hypnobirthing techniques during labour are often able to relax their body and in particular relax their uterus muscles, they are able to work with their body during labour, rather than fight it. A relaxed body and relaxed uterus muscles will make it easier for your baby to do their job during labour. You are working with your baby during labour, rather than against them.

4. Provide your baby with as much oxygen as possible - Oxygen for you and your baby is key during labour, yet we see so many women holding their breath when giving birth on the TV. My hypnobirthing courses teach 2 breathing techniques that will help you to relax during labour but are also designed to flood your system with oxygen and in turn, provide your baby with lots of oxygen too. Never underestimate the role of a hypnobirthing breathing technique.

5. Lower levels of pharmaceutical forms of pain relief during labour - Now it really depends on how you feel about this. Some people already know that they want stronger drugs such as pethidine, diamorphine or an epidural and that’s absolutely fine. We are all different and we should all feel confident in the choices that we make, hypnobirthing isn’t against pain relief, you can read some birth stories from clients who have used pharmaceutical forms of pain relief alongside hypnobirthing here.

However, for some people, they know that they would like to avoid the stronger drugs, if this is you, you might find this useful.

An NHS study at the Wolverhampton hospital* showed that those who used hypnobirthing during labour, compared to those who didn’t, were less likely to have an epidural (14% with hypnobirthing V 40-95% without hypnobirthing).

Whilst you may think that pain relief is something that just impacts you, we do know that stronger forms of pain relief do pass through the umbilical cord to your baby.

It is important to mention again here that hypnobirthing is not against pain relief.

However, if you are someone that wants to potentially avoid pharmaceutical forms of pain relief during labour then hypnobirthing can help to stack the odds in your favour of this by providing you with natural forms of pain relief to use.

Benefits for your baby during the postnatal period when you practise hypnobirthing

6. Calmer Mum = calmer baby - Ah the postnatal period, is beautiful but hard at the same time. Hypnobirthing is for life, you can use so many of your hypnobirthing techniques after birth too.

Here are some ways that my clients have reported using their hypnobirthing tools after birth:

  • To help them bond with their baby, so important for you and baby in the early days of meeting each other

  • To help them feed their baby, especially for those who choose to breastfeed and understand the importance of oxytocin and a relaxed environment

  • To help them listen to their instincts and trust them. Part of the prenatal prep in hypnobirthing is all about building your confidence within yourself before your baby arrives

  • To help them to settle their baby. Lots of people still use the hypnosis tracks that I give them during pregnancy for after birth too. If you listened to your tracks on loudspeaker during pregnancy your baby will have heard them too and will associate them with being calm and relaxed.

  • To help with any postnatal worries. Lots of people will still use their breathing techniques and tools to help them with any overwhelming feelings they might experience after birth. Please make sure to speak with your midwife or GP if you are experiencing any persistent feelings of anxiety or worry.

There you have it, hypnobirthing is wonderful for you and your baby. If you are struggling with the concept of investing in hypnobirthing because it only benefits you, please know that it is wonderful for your birth partner and your baby too.

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  • Studies referenced:

    Lycett A. Hypnosis during pregnancy and birth: The science and clinical applications explained. [Lecture] Royal Society of Medicine, 2012.

  • Gallagher S. Hypnosis for childbirth: prenatal education and birth outcome. Unpublished 2001.