Birth quiz answers

How prepared for birth are you and your birth partner?

Check your answers below and then head to my blog posts to learn more about birth

Question 1:

The answer is F - Find out more by reading the blog post “4 things that your uterus needs during labour”

Question 2:

The answer is B - Find out why…

The process of birth ends once the placenta is born, not when your baby is born. There will be a short period of time where your baby is now earth side but your placenta is still inside. There are 2 options available to you when birthing your placenta, these are discussed in depth on my courses.

Question 3:

The answer is B - False, find out more about where you can give birth in Wakefield / Leeds by reading this blog post.

Click the image to find out more:

Question 4:

The answer is D - Find out why here

Whilst most textbooks and even your midwife might say that the cervix is fully dilated at 10cm, this should be taken with a pinch of salt. For some people, their cervix is fully dilated at 9cm, for others at 10cm and for some even 11 or 12cm dilated. We are not machines, we all dilate slightly differently. 10cm should be used as a guide. We talk about how the cervix works in my courses, it needs to thin, soften and ripen as well as dilate during labour.

Question 5:

The answer is B - You can find out more about minimising the chances of tearing in this blog post

Click the image to find out more:

Question 6:

The answer is D - Find out why here

Birthing on your back actually pushes the bones of the pelvis together, creating less space for your baby to get out, it actually creates a hill for them to go up. Standing in an upright, forward and open position can create up to 30% more space in the pelvis compared to when we lay down on our backs. Watching positive birth videos is a great way to see these upright positions in action. I often talk about this over on my Instagram page, come follow me @hypnobirthing_hannah

Question 7:

The answer is B - False, you can read my client’s birth stories here. We have home births, caesarean births, induced births, births with pain relief, births without pain relief and many more. Hypnobirthing can be used for any type of birth.

Click the image to access 30 positive birth stories:

Question 8:

The answer is C - Find out why here

Whilst it is tempting to listen to a contraction app to tell you when to head to your place of birth (or to ring the midwives if you are planning a home birth). They are not always accurate and you could be heading back home if you get there too early. Remember that you aren’t a machine. It is actually far better to go to your place of birth when you feel like it, this may allow you to stay at home for longer. Whilst this sounds daunting, hypnobirthing teaches you how to listen to your body and build trust within it, this is one of the best things you can do when preparing for labour.

Question 9:

The answer is C - Find out why here

Endorphins are an incredible hormone that you can increase within your system during the early stages of labour (if you know how). When you flood the body with endorphins, they release pain-killing properties that are said to be 200 x stronger than morphine. Even if you know that you want all the drugs, this can be so useful for the early stages of labour. There are plenty of ways to increase endorphins in your system, we all of them on a hypnobirthing course.

Question 10:

The answer is D - Hypnobirthing is beneficial for you, your birth partner and your baby.

Click the image to find out how hypnobirthing benefits your baby:

To feel calm, confident and in control during labour, find out more about my hypnobirthing courses here:

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