Bump, Birth And Baby Blog
All my tips, knowledge and experience from bump to baby in one place, featuring a few guest blogs along the way.
Guest blog - From Home Birth to Hospital Birth: How Hypnobirthing Helped Me Navigate a Rapid Change to My Birth Plan
How Katie used hypnobirthing to remain calm and feel in control during a change from her home birth to a hospital birth. A guest blog from Katie, a pregnancy yoga teacher sharing her tips for a change of birth plan, using hypnobirthing techniques to adapt to a hospital birth from her original plan of a home birth.
7 things that could slow contractions down during labour
Reasons why contractions could slow down and stall during labour and tips on how to get your birth going again. Here are 7 reasons why contractions could slow down when giving birth and some top tips on how to get birth moving again.
My experience with low Papp-A during my second pregnancy
How I’ve dealt with low Papp-A levels and a high risk pregnancy
The home birth story of my second hypnobaby
The positive home Birth story of my second birth using Hyonobirthing
5 photos that you need to take on your maternity photoshoot
5 photos that I love from my own maternity photo shoot, plus a sneak peek of never before shared bump photos.
Our journey to baby No.2 and the real reason for the 5 year age gap
Pregnancy Journal - Our conception journey to baby no.2 and the real reason for the 5 year age gap
5 intriguing things I bet you didn’t know about labour
5 things that you need to know about giving birth that I bet you have never heard of before.
How much do you know about birth & labour quiz
How much do you really know about giving birth? Take the birth and labour quiz to find out how prepared you and your birth partner are for the ‘big day’.
Things that I wish I had done during my first pregnancy that I will be doing during my second pregnancy
Looking back on my first pregnancy, there’s lots of things that I wish I had done differently. Here I share with you the things that I will be doing during my second pregnancy to help me prepare for birth and motherhood.
6 ways that your baby will benefit from hypnobirthing
Hypnobirthing can have huge benefits for your baby during pregnancy, labour and after birth too. 6 reasons why hypnobirthing is perfect for your unborn baby.
How to write an effective birth plan and 3 key sentences to include
I’ve helped over 300 sets of expectant parents to write a birth plan and in that time, I’ve realised that there are 3 key sentences that every birth plan should include.
Ways to minimise the chances of tearing during labour
In this short VLOG, I detail some of my top tips for decreasing the chances of the perineum tearing whilst giving birth.
Pregnancy Anxiety - My Story & Things That Helped Ease The Worry
A blog post about my experience of pregnancy anxiety back in 2018 with my high risk pregnancy and what I found useful to help ease the anxiety.
How & Why I Prepared Myself For A Drug Free Birth
How and why I decided to give birth without pain relief. In this blog post, I list how I prepared myself to give birth without drugs.
Rising Pregnancy and Birth trends for 2023 that you might want to consider.
My top predicted, rising trends for pregnancy and birth in 2023. Have you already planned some of these things for your pregnancy and labour or are they just damn right weird?
How to use hypnobirthing during a caesarean birth
So many people are choosing to use hypnobirthing during a c-section to help them remain calm before, during and after the birth of their baby. Hypnobirthing can be especially good for recovery after a c-section. Here’s my top tips for planning a c-section using hypnobirthing.
What does the ‘hypno’ in hypnobirthing actually mean?
What does the ‘hypno’ in hypnobirthing mean and how does it help when giving birth? Keep reading to find out and see if it’s as weird as it sounds.
Ways to conserve energy in between contractions - My top 4 tips
Conserving energy during labour is crucial to make sure that you don’t end up exhausted which can lead to further interventions on it’s own. Here’s 4 things to try and do in between contractions if possible to help you conserve energy for the rest of birth.
4 things that your uterus needs during labour to work efficiently
Your body needs 4 things during a vaginal birth to help it birth your baby. As a bare minimum we should understand why these 4 things are so important for the uterus to be able to work efficiently.
10 things to do when you start maternity leave - to help you prepare for birth
The days and weeks leading up to birth are really important. There’s lots that you can be doing whilst on maternity leave to help you prepare for labour, don’t worry it’s a list of nice things.