Bump, Birth And Baby Blog


All my tips, knowledge and experience from bump to baby in one place, featuring a few guest blogs along the way.

Things that I wish I had done during my first pregnancy that I will be doing during my second pregnancy

Looking back on my first pregnancy, there’s lots of things that I wish I had done differently. Here I share with you the things that I will be doing during my second pregnancy to help me prepare for birth and motherhood.

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How to write an effective birth plan and 3 key sentences to include

I’ve helped over 300 sets of expectant parents to write a birth plan and in that time, I’ve realised that there are 3 key sentences that every birth plan should include.

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How to use hypnobirthing during a caesarean birth

So many people are choosing to use hypnobirthing during a c-section to help them remain calm before, during and after the birth of their baby. Hypnobirthing can be especially good for recovery after a c-section. Here’s my top tips for planning a c-section using hypnobirthing.

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Ways to conserve energy in between contractions - My top 4 tips

Conserving energy during labour is crucial to make sure that you don’t end up exhausted which can lead to further interventions on it’s own. Here’s 4 things to try and do in between contractions if possible to help you conserve energy for the rest of birth.

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What I packed in my hospital bag for labour VS what I actually used from my hospital bag when giving birth

Find out what you really need to pack in your hospital bag ready for labour. Here I talk about my own birth bag and what I used from it during labour. You might be surprised to find out my top 3 essentials to pack for labour.

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