What is hypnobirthing?
More about Hypnobirthing with Hannah
Welcome, I’m Hannah…
Congratulations, I’m so pleased that you are here. Pregnancy is such an exciting time for you but it can be a little daunting too. I know that feeling too well, the nerves, ‘how will I deal with the pain?’ The fear ‘will I poo and lose all of my dignity?” The worry, “what if it’s really as bad as Susan said?'‘ - it’s everything that I felt when I was pregnant too.
It goes without saying that I am obsessed with anything to do with birth, it all started after I had my little girl in 2018. I had an extremely high-risk pregnancy, all odds were stacked against me having any control or choices during my labour.
But just like you, I thought ‘what is hypnobirthing and how can it help me?’
Thankfully, Hypnobirthing changed everything for me and I had the most amazing and empowering birth experience.
The majority of my labour was spent at home in the bath and I arrived at Pinderfields hospital in Wakefield at 9cm dilated, I know right? I was shocked too!
I’ve taught my 5* rated hypnobirthing course based in Wakefield to over 300 families from all over the world. I have supported them to feel calm, confident and in control during labour.
After the birth of my little girl, I knew I had to spread the word about hypnobirthing so that other people could feel excited and prepared for birth too.
So, I quit my job in engineering in the middle of a pandemic (that’s dedication right?), to pursue my passion for supporting expectant parents and helping them prepare for a calm and confident birth.
I am now a fully-fledged birth geek and hypnobirthing expert that has worked with people from all over the world, from Wakefield to Australia.
I’ve supported parents who want home births, women who have high-risk pregnancies, and couples who are petrified of birth. They all leave my courses feeling calmer, less anxious and well prepared for the day that they meet their baby.
How does hypnobirthing work?
Here’s what hypnobirthing is not:
I know what you are thinking, hypnobirthing is a little bit weird right? I’ll probably be hypnotising you and making you do lots of strange things, maybe I will be swinging a pocket watch in front of your face whilst saying “look into my eyes.”
I bet your partner is even more sceptical about doing a course. Don’t panic, I promise non of this weird stuff goes on in my courses, I just couldn’t take that seriously.
So what is hypnobirthing?
It is rational, logical and scientific birth preparation.
My courses are full antenatal courses, preparing you and your birth partner for labour, right from that first twinge, all the way up to birthing your placenta.
I will provide you with knowledge about contractions, how your body works during labour and how you can manage any pain that you might feel. Using the skill of self hypnosis, I will teach you techniques to help you stay calm and feel in control during the birth of your baby.
If you would like to find out more about hypnobirthing before booking a course, then please do get in touch as I offer free 15 minute calls.
What is the Hypno part of hypnobirthing?
Everyone worries about this part, will I be whispering positive affirmations to your vagina whilst we dance around a fire under the moon? Perhaps, I will be waving a pocket watch in front of you whilst chanting “you can do it”. To be fair, I wish this was part of my courses but it’s not.
The “hypno” part of hypnobirthing does refer to hypnosis but it’s nothing like what you see on the TV. Unfortunately, I can’t take control of your mind. In very simple terms the definition of hypnosis is being in a relaxed state of mind, a bit like mindfulness.
If we can practise this skill of hypnosis/relaxation during pregnancy, this will be amazing for us during labour. The more relaxed your mind and body are during labour, the more the muscles of the uterus can do their job to get your baby out and the more comfortable labour can be for you.
Essentially, self-hypnosis during labour = working with your mind and body to birth your baby in the most comfortable way.
I then provide you with knowledge about birth and what is happening to your body, along with lots of techniques to help you manage throughout the whole of labour.
I promise, it’s nothing weird. Why not watch a short 25 minute video introducing my hypnobirthing courses and the benefits of it, here
Is hypnobirthing just for home births?
Hypnobirthing is for any type of birth, the proof is in the stories that my clients have shared with us here. It’s not just for those who want to give birth without pain relief and it certainly isn’t just about breathing techniques. I have taught expectant couples who have used all of the techniques during the following scenarios to help them stay calm and feel in control during labour:
Induced births
High-risk pregnancies (e.g. IVF, gestation diabetes)
Caesarean Sections
Hospital / home / free birth / midwife-led centres
Water births / dry land births
However you plan to give birth, hypnobirthing can help you to feel confident and calm.
Why pick Hypnobirthing With Hannah?
Most people won’t tell you this but it’s really important that you pick the right hypnobirthing teacher for you.
It needs to be someone who will support you, even once the course ends, someone who can give you a confidence boost, should you need it, someone, who is compassionate and understanding. I was once you, so I get it, I understand how you feel and that’s why to me, the role of an antenatal teacher is more than just education.
My hypnobirthing courses aim to inspire, empower, support and encourage YOU during pregnancy and labour.
I take great pride in knowing that what I offer encompasses all of the above. This is exactly the reason why I stay in touch with so many of my clients, I genuinely do care about every single one of you.
Unicorns anyone?
I’m not here to sell you the birth dream, to tell you that if you do my course there will be unicorns at your labour (I wish). I am here to:
Eliminate any fear you might have about birth.
Build your confidence so that you can enjoy your pregnancy.
Provide you with coping techniques for labour to help you to feel in control and manage contractions.
Make sure that your birth partner knows how to support you, other than saying “just breathe.”
Educate you about the process of childbirth to make sure that you feel informed and empowered and know what to expect.
To support you after the course has finished should you have a wobble (which is totally normal by the way.)
Pregnancy, labour and parenthood is a special journey and one that I am honoured to be a part of, should you choose me as your hypnobirthing teacher. So, if you think that I might be the right teacher for you, then I would love to support you at such an important time in your life. I can’t wait to meet you and help you prepare for an empowering birth.

What are the benefits of hypnobirthing?
Where to begin? Here are some of the benefits that my clients have reported after completing their hypnobirthing course:
Helps to eliminate fear and worry surrounding birth, which allows them to enjoy their pregnancy
Helped them to feel calmer and more relaxed during labour
The course helped them to feel closer and more connected to their partner
The techniques helped them to feel in control during labour
In some cases, it reduced the need for pain relief
The techniques gave their partner an active role to play during the birth, rather than feeling like a spare part
Their baby was born in a calm way which helped them adjust to the outside world
The calming techniques were used after labour to support the transition into parenthood
The majority of people who have done a hypnobirthing course use their techniques in everyday life
“With myself and my partner working in the NHS as a paramedic and a neonatal nurse, we thought we knew everything there was to know about giving birth. We were very wrong. We 100% recommend Hannah to anyone. If she can change our mindset, she can help you too!”
— Dan and Marijke (Wakefield) 2021
What’s included on a hypnobirthing course?
Let’s not skirt over the fact that the actual class will be your main source of knowledge, inspiration and education. My experience of teaching for 4 years has allowed me to perfect my classes, making sure there is a good balance of knowledge, interaction and a little bit of humour.
We all love a few extra freebies though right? No matter what class you choose, you will receive the following:
Your ‘hypnobirthing course workbook’.
Pack of positive birth affirmation cards.
4 x downloadable hypnosis MP3 tracks (recorded in my voice).
Free access to my ‘relaxation MP3 library’.
Goody bag (it’s a secret what’s included).
Access to our calm caesarean resources should you need them.
Support from myself until your baby arrives.
Access to a group What’s App chat (online group course only).
Twice a year, I host a coffee and cake morning at a local cafe in Normanton (WF6 2JH) for local clients.
“I’d been fearful of birth for as long as I can remember. I didn’t think it would ever be possible for me to look forward to giving birth but after the course and the weeks of practicing that’s exactly how I felt as my due date approached.”
— Charlotte and Rob (Wakefield)
More than just a local hypnobirthing teacher…
I have been so fortunate to be able to work alongside the lovely Abby at ‘Love Your Birth Teacher Training,’ for the past 3 years. She has taught me everything that I need to know to inspire, educate and encourage my clients on their pregnancy and birth journey.
I’m proud to say, that as well as being an antenatal teacher, I also help mentor new, trainee hypnobirthing teachers who are completing their course with Abby. My experience is helping others to follow in my footsteps. For more information on what Abby offers, head to her website here, she is amazing.