Client Reviews & Testimonials

Reviews from my hypnobirthing clients.

Here’s what the families I have worked with are saying about my hypnobirthing courses:

From first time parents to third time parents, Dad’s and birth partners, those who were anxious about birth and those who had no clue what to expect from birth, they all gained something from hypnobirthing. I have screenshot all the reviews so that you know they are 100% genuine (with permission).

Review of a private hypnobirthing course in Wakefield West Yorkshire
A pregnant woman with her husband cradling her bump after completing an online group hypnobirthing class
A review of my group hypnobirthing course from expectant parents to be
A review of a hypnobirthing course from a Dad to be who completed a full hypnobirthing course in West Yorkshire
A review from a Dad to be after he had taken a hypnobirthing course with Hannah

Here’s few more testimonials from my hypnobirthing clients who have either taken an online course with me or completed a face to face hypnobirthing course with me in West Yorkshire:

Picture of Hannah teaching a hypnobirthing course over zoom to 6 expectant parents

Here’s a picture of me teaching my online hypnobirthing course to 6 couples from all over the UK.

A picture of hypnobirthing Hannah with 5 expectant parents to be after their hypnobirthing course in Wakefield

A picture of me and 5 expectant couples after completing their hypnobirthing course at my home in Wakefield.