How to use hypnobirthing during a caesarean birth

You are forgiven for thinking hypnobirthing can only be used for a vaginal birth.

This is a huge misconception about hypnobirthing. Almost all of the techniques you learn on a course with me can be used for any type of birth, including during a c-section.

In fact, so many of my clients who have had a caesarean birth are so pleased that they had their techniques to help them stay calm.

So, let’s take a look at which Hypnobirthing techniques will be the most beneficial for a c-section.

There are two different ‘type’s of caesarean births, let’s take a look at them:

A planned C-section

This is a caesarean birth where you know that it is going to happen. You will have had discussions with your healthcare team prior to this and come to an agreement with them that this is the best type of birth for you and your baby.

There are many reasons why a caesarean may be offered to you (often for those who have high-risk pregnancies but not always), please note that this is always an option and you can decide whether this is right for you or not. Some people will also opt for a planned caesarean birth.

An emergency C-section

This is referring to an unplanned caesarean birth. Sometimes they really are for an emergency reason but for most cases, it is just referring to a C-section on that day, that wasn’t originally planned in.

This type of birth may happen for lots of reasons and often you will already be in labour when an emergency C-section is offered to you. Again this is always an option and it is beneficial to learn about this type of c-section before you go into labour and how to make sure that it is the right birth for you.

You may also have heard of a caesarean under general anaesthetic, this is quiet a rare but it does happen for some people, this would usually fall under an emergency c-section category. Again, your hypnobirthing techniques would come in useful before and after this type of birth.

How to use hypnobirthing during a planned C-section:

This blog post is going to focus on planned c-sections, however, you can still use the majority of these techniques during an emergency caesarean birth too.

I would argue that hypnobirthing is essential for a C-section birth. This type of birth often comes with a lot of anxiety and fear as there are lots of unknowns regarding the process of a caesarean birth.

I often split this type of birth into 3 stages and outline how the hypnobirthing techniques you have can be used before, during and after.

Before going to theatre:

1/ Learn about what happens during a C-section - In the run-up to your birth, I would advise finding out about the process of a c-section birth, for instance, there are often a lot of people in theatre, this can be a shock if you aren’t already aware of this. Find out what the expect (your hypnobirthing teacher will talk you through this).

2/ Write a birth plan - I would also strongly consider writing a birth plan, there are a lot of things that you can ask for during a c-section that you might not be aware of, these things will help you to feel more in control and can help you to relax more, for instance, it may be possible to play some music or your hypnosis tracks into the theatre. Show your care providers your birth plan before the date of your caesarean birth so you can talk it through with them. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.

3/ The morning of the C-section - This is a time to use everything that you have learnt on your hypnobirthing course to ease nerves and stay calm. The apprehension of going down to theatre can be intense, drawing upon your calming techniques can be so beneficial for you. Breathing techniques and visualisation can be useful at this point in time. I would also consider packing something in your birth bag to help distract you, especially if your slot gets pushed back. Think about ways to increase your birthing hormones as these can be really useful to help you recover.

During a C-section:

The actual process of a caesarean birth only takes between 45-50 minutes, is a relatively quick process. Within this time, you can use almost all of the hypnobirthing techniques that I teach you on one of my courses.

1/ Use hypnobirthing techniques that will help you to stay calm and focused. Note down beforehand which techniques you think you will find most beneficial, it might be closing your eyes and using the self-hypnosis technique to bring your mind and body into a calm state. You could request to listen to your favourite song or your ‘calm caesarean’ track to help distract you (given to all of my clients). Maybe it’s that you want to focus on a particular affirmation such as “I will be meeting my baby soon” which you can ask your birth partner to repeat to you. I teach 18 hypnobirthing techniques in my courses, you can use almost all of them.

2/ Make sure your birth partner knows how to support you. Have a conversation with your birth partner beforehand to let them know how to support you and which hypnobirthing techniques you would like them to use. It might be that you want them to tell you what’s happening or that you want them to provide you with reassuring affirmations. They can use soft touch massage to increase your own natural pain relief for recovery. Make sure that they are aware of their role.

3/ Make sure your care provides know what you want. As mentioned above, make sure your care providers know what you would like during birth. Give them your birth plan before.

Here are some things to consider for your birth plan:

Do you want them to give you a running commentary of what’s happening or would you prefer to listen to your tracks?

Do you want them to reveal the gender of your baby or would you like to do that?

Would you like immediate skin to skin when your baby is born?

Would you like them to take photos for you?

There is an example birth plan in the copy of my calm caesarean workbook that I give to all of my clients, this talks through all of your potential options for a C-section birth.

A new mum and dad moments after having a c-section

After a C-section:

Recovery after a caesarean birth is important and you can still use all of your techniques to help you bond with your baby and recover.

1/ Use your techniques to increase bonding and pain relief hormones. The hormone Oxytocin helps us to bond with our baby and breastfeed them (if that’s something you want to do.) We produce lots of Oxytocin naturally during a vaginal birth to help us bond once our baby is here. This doesn’t occur during a C-section but we can increase this hormone by using your hypnobirthing techniques, this will help you to recover and create that bond with your baby. You can also work on your natural pain-relieving hormone too as this will be so beneficial for recovery. Soft touch massage from your birth partner will increase endorphins in your system.

2/ Create a dark and welcoming environment - Your environment matters after birth. Ask your birth partner to set up your room so that it feels nice and cosy and welcoming, this will help you produce the wonderful hormones above. Think about dimming the lights, using a nice cosy blanket from home, popping on some battery-operated candles and perhaps some calming music. All of these things will help you to bond with baby, establish breastfeeding (if you want to) and produce those nice calming hormones.

3/ Rest and use your knowledge of recovery - Your ‘calm caesarean’ workbook provides you with lots of tips for recovery, I would recommend reading this before your C-section. You can use positive caesarean affirmations to help your mind and body to recover as well as possible.

4/ Make a postnatal plan with your birth partner - Make sure that your birth partner knows that you are recovering from major surgery and let them know beforehand how to support you in your recovery.

So, there you have it, there are so many ways that you can still Hypnobirth during a caesarean birth

Having lots of knowledge surrounding vaginal births and caesarean births before you go into labour is so important. I discuss all types of births on my courses and everyone who takes a course with me has access to a dedicated c-section workbook and relaxation track to use during a caesarean birth.

You can read some of my clients experiences of having a C-section and using hypnobirthing below:

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