A positive water birth story using Hypnobirthing
The Birth of Alfie Jax
A positive water birth using hypnobirthing at Pinderfields birth centre.
Kyanne and Jamie attended a group hypnobirthing course with me at my home in Wakefield in February 2024, they really took the course seriously and practised all of their techniques in the run up to the birth of their little boy. This positive birth story is an incredible read, thank you so much for sharing it with us.
A seemingly normal day at work…
Monday 18th March, a seemingly normal day at work at 39 weeks pregnant. I started work at 9am, chatting away to my clients and going about my usual day pampering them. At 9:30am I started with regular sensations which I was used to getting daily. Ones I thought were braxton hicks however, I did notice a slight dull feeling of period pain in my lower tummy which I hadn’t had before.
I told my husband around lunchtime that the feeling has persisted but didn’t think anything major was occurring!
Around 5pm, I was pampering my second to last client of the day. I noticed the period pain had intensified slightly but I was still feeling fine in myself - happily distracted at work! I finished my last client at 7pm and within a few steps I was back inside home so I decided to go get in the bath.
The early stages of labour
My husband asked me how I was feeling and felt it was necessary to time the sensations as he did think they were seemingly regular at this point. At 5 minutes apart lasting 20 seconds he decided to ring triage at Pinderfields Hospital for advice. We both spoke to the midwife on the phone and after asking us questions, they told me to take paracetamol and get back in the bath if necessary, confirming I was in early labour!
Switching to hypnobirthing mode as things intensified
As soon as I had put the phone down from speaking to the midwife my surges intensified within seconds. My brain instantly knew I needed to switch my hypnobirthing mode on and get out the tools we had learnt on our course. My breathing techniques felt very natural, going with what my body was telling me to do. I kept repeating my positive affirmations in my head - My favourite ones being ‘my surges are not stronger than me because they are me’ and ‘my body and my baby know how to give birth’
My husband was amazingly supportive at this stage using what he had learnt on our course. He stayed calm and collected, reminding me to breathe and timing me but not telling me the numbers. The surges were now every 3 minutes lasting between 45 seconds to 1 minute.
After an hour had passed he decided to ring triage again and we told them our gut instincts were telling us it was time to go to the hospital.
Luckily Pinderfields hospital was only ten minutes from our house so we made it down there for 9:30pm, making our way gradually up to the birth suite whilst contracting. I remember keeping my eyes closed most of this time, purposely wanting to shut out the outside world as I didn’t want my body to slow down or stop!
7cm dilated and staying in the zone
Arriving at the birth suite the midwife called me through to an observation room to carry out a cervical examination which she confirmed I was 7cm dilated.
We then went across the hall and arrived to the most relaxing birthing suite. Bright lights off, mood lights on and the birth pool filling up! I was so glad I was given the opportunity to get in the water as this was my dream!
Whilst I worked through each surge, my husband prepared the room using my relaxing lavender spray, fan to keep me cool and my Lucozade to keep me hydrated! We also got to play our wedding songs through the birth pool speakers which was amazing.
‘It honestly felt like a spa’
I got into the pool at 10:10pm and the heat of the water was an instant ‘ahh’ - I was really glad as I do love a bath. It honestly felt like I was at a spa at this point, breathing in the essential oils and listening to my music.
With a few surges in a couple of minutes my mucus plug came away and then my waters broke. What an unbelievable experience it was to feel the waters break themselves- it was like a jet in the pool!
My surges at this point were at their strongest and I could feel baby making his way down the birth canal, just like Hannah had described, one step forward and two back!
The midwife asked me in between my surges to keep following my body and asked me if I wanted gas and air at this time. I refused as I felt I was managing really well mentally, going into my happy place when I needed and focusing on each surge one by one. My husband kept reminding me that our baby knew what to do and to work with him and my body.
‘4 surges later, the head was out!’
It was at this point my mind was telling me my baby would be in my arms in no time!
With my next surge, the best part yet, came his little shoulders, his tiny little body and last but not least his little toes.
And there he was at 11:22pm, our beautiful little boy, Alfie Jax, swimming through my legs and taking his first breath as I lifted him up into the world.
WOW! We had done it!
Me, my body and my baby (and of course my husband!)
We chose optimal cord clamping which we had learnt about on our course. This was lovely as we both had time to stare at our tiny baby and take the moment in together!
Within a few minutes our baby’s cord was white in which Jamie had his moment of cutting it and then having his dad time whilst I delivered my placenta.
‘To sum up my birthing experience, I could only describe it as complete euphoria’
Nothing I had ever experienced and truly a moment I never want to forget.
I cannot thank Hannah enough for all the knowledge and tools we were given on our course to be able to deal with whatever was thrown our way in this experience. I truly believe I was able to trust the process and my body a million times over based on doing the course. My conscious mind was so positive being so sure of what was happening in my body and my subconscious was backing this up all the way with all the hardwork on the lead up to my birth listening to Hannah’s tracks everyday.
My husband also left the course feeling massively prepared for our birth and excited for our labour. It also enabled us to connect with our decision making and get excited for our new arrival.
I certainty love sharing our positive birth story and can’t wait to do it again someday.
Kyanne and Jamie (2024) Wakefield