A positive birth story using Hypnobirthing
The birth of Amelia Grace
“It was the most magical, positive and beautiful experience”
Anna and Ben attended a group hypnobirthing course with me at my home in Wakefield. They kept in touch throughout the pregnancy and felt really prepared and confident, practising all of the techniques that they had learnt during the course. I was over the moon to hear the news that their baby girl had been born and that even though they experienced some changes to their birth plan, they still described it as magical and beautiful.
Thank you so much for sharing your birth story with us all.
The birth of Amelia Grace:
Hey Hannah! Sorry for the delayed message - it’s Ben and Anna!
Our birth story 👇🏻
Leading up the to the birth we were both so happy, calm, positive and excited! Anna’s due date had been and gone (31 April) and this is where we started to get impatient, doubtful and felt the pressure from everyone asking if we had any news. We managed it well though and kept busy, making the most of our time off together.
Contractions start…
On Sunday 7th May at 1am, Anna woke up feeling like she really needed to go to the toilet, until she realised that she was having contractions! We both felt relieved and incredibly excited and started using our Hypnobirthing techniques - deep breathing through every contraction, dark room, scents, affirmations, cooking, sitting in the garden, tens machine etc.
Anna’s contractions got stronger yet she managed to go to sleep between 12-1.30pm! When she woke up she got changed and had an urge to go to the hospital as she felt her contractions get stronger. We left just after 2pm (had been at home for 13 hours!!!).
Staying focused even with a change to the birth plan…
We arrived at the hospital and on the way in Anna threw up outside in the plant beds, because of this she had to do a urine test on arrival which all came back clear. By this time it was 3pm and they came and monitored Anna’s blood pressure which was high (no surprise as she’d just been sick and it was so hot!) because of this they advised we couldn’t do a water birth, be in the lotus suite (a birthing suite at the LGI hospital in Leeds) and our baby would need to be monitored.
Anna was so focused and in the zone, she agreed to this. They put a cannula in her hand as she needed medication for her blood pressure, which the midwife messed up so had to do it again! This was painful and bruised Anna badly but she didn’t mind one bit and kept focussed and calm (even though deep down she was fuming.)
5-6cm dilated and remaining calm
Once they left the room I checked that she was actually happy with this and she said she was, and so was I. Anna had straps across her for the baby monitoring and got a vaginal examination, which clarified she was 5/6cm dilated! Before we knew it we were taken into the delivery suite (5.15pm). As I undressed Anna to get her comfortable I ripped out her cannula by mistake so the anaesthetist had to put it in for the 3rd time - I’m telling you this because I couldn’t believe Anna’s response - I said I’m so sorry and she just said “don’t worry it’s fine.” I’ve never known her to be this calm and not fussed when things don’t go to plan.
3 hours after arriving at the hospital:
Because our baby was so low down they couldn’t monitor the heartbeat so they had to put a metal stick onto the babies head to do so. Within 20 minutes Anna had the urge to push and the midwife called for a second midwife (both were amazing and pro Hypnobirthing). The last thing I remember was telling Anna I loved her and how well she was doing - she literally made no sounds throughout!! I was in awe and fascinated by the birth so watched the entire event and we welcomed Amelia Grace into the world on 7 May at 18:08pm. We’d only been in hospital for 3 hours, Anna had the tiniest tear that didn’t require stitches (and Amelia’s hand came out across her face with her head - crazy!). Anna only used gas and air at the end and had some paracetamol earlier in the day.
It was the most magical, positive and beautiful experience. Far from what we planned but in the end just perfect for us. Honestly, your Hypnobirthing course was the difference and we are so grateful for you. Thanks again!!
Ben and Anna - Leeds 2023