A positive water birth using Hypnobirthing
The birth of Seb
“I had my dream birth and found the strength inside of me to trust my body to do what it's meant to do!
I met Rebecca and Andrew when they were pregnant with their little boy James. They completed a group hypnobirthing course with me and have just gone on to have another little baby boy, Seb. This birth story shows the power of women and the power of birth. Thank you Rebecca for allowing me to share your incredible story, you were truly amazing.
“I wanted to feel excited about birth”
“I absolutely loved reading a birth story to prepare for my own labour so I'm wanting to share mine! Happy reading!
So, I have documented my second pregnancy and spoken about how much I found it HARD. Pelvic girdle pain, blood clot scares, worries about breech position, general severe uncomfortableness for months. I really struggled being pregnant this time because it just stopped my everyday life and I felt so guilty not being able to help my toddler. Once I found out little one wasn't breech and I could have a natural birth, something just clicked inside and I felt empowered to have the birth l've always read about. In the pool, using my hypnobirthing techniques so that's what I prepared to do. I wanted to feel excited for birth!
I was booked in to see my midwife on our due date, I had been feeling a few niggles leading up to this but it was just Braxton hicks. All good signs that my body was preparing though. All checks done with my appointment, I was asked if I wanted a sweep. Initially, I wanted to wait until 41 weeks to see if my body would work its magic but I felt eager to know if there was any progress so I agreed. My midwife told me I was 3cm dilated and my cervix was very soft! She felt Seb's head and ear she said I had 'bulging waters'. Andrew joked to break them there and she replied saying she had a reputation for causing waters to break and labour to start, so that was exciting!
Boosting oxytocin
Once we got home, we were feeling very hopeful! We were on the way to meeting our boy! Dull period cramps started, on and off-it was about 4pm. I just moved around the house, on and off my ball, keeping hydrated and filling myself with positive thoughts to help boost that oxytocin! Things did start to ease off a bit so we thought it would be a good idea to get a good night sleep incase anything were to happen.
Breathing through contractions
At about 4am on Friday morning, my period pains started to feel more like contractions so I rang the delivery suite to make them aware but told them I was staying at home as long as I could. Throughout the day they got more intense, sometimes taking my breath away but I breathed through them and just focussed on the wave knowing that it would be over as quick as it built.
Eager to see any progress
At about 8pm we decided to get some sleep as my contractions hadn't formed a regular pattern. We wanted to try and get as much sleep as we could. Woke up at 10:30pm with painful contractions closer together, I was also eager to see any progress. We rang the delivery suite and they told us to go in (eeks!), we phoned my mam to come over to be here for James (my parents have been AMAZING, as they always are). We put the bags in the car, I went into James's room and just stared at him asleep feeling excited but sad that this was our last night with only one baby! James suddenly looked so big too, off we went to the hospital eeks!
6cm dilated - Let’s go have this baby
We were taken to a delivery room to be assessed and couldn't believe when the midwife came through the door, it was the same midwife who delivered James at the Midwife Led Centre! It was as if it was meant to be. After examining me, I was 6cm dilated- I couldn't believe it!! I asked if I could go in the pool and she said she would get it ready for me, 'let's go have this baby' she said!
Getting into the birthing pool
I got into the pool at about 2am, the instant relief of pressure on my bump was amazing. Grainne had lit the electric candles and turned the lights off so it was ultimate zen. Andrew put on our playlist and I just went into a proper relaxed state, floating in the pool, breathing through contractions.
“It was honestly bliss”
It was honestly bliss. The power of breathing is magic and I learned all these techniques through our hypnobirthing course we did when pregnant with James with lovely Hannah. The next thing I knew it was 5:15am and I stepped out the pool to be examined again- I was now 8 going onto 9cm. My waters still intact, the pressure was insane. I needed to get back into the pool. Grainne agreed we would allow my body to do its thing instead of physically breaking my waters.
Things got intense
It got to about 7:15am and the end of Grainne's shift, I was feeling a bit gutted that things were slowing down slightly. But Grainne had every faith my body would do its thing. June our day midwife (also the midwife who weighed James and did our aftercare at the midwife led centre) was now with me and she let me stay in the pool to see what would happen. It got to 8:30am and we all agreed my waters should be broken to ramp up contractions. The relief I felt once they had gone was gooooooood. I got back into the pool and about ten minutes later, my contractions were getting SO intense. I sat up to let gravity do it's job, with my Wave comb in my hand to squeeze when I was at peak pain ( I recommend using these, it was fab), Andrew counted with me which helped so much and I just mooed the whole way through. I had about a 2-3minute break between these contractions to gather myself before they would ramp up again.
“I’m not letting go of this hand!”
They started to get so so intense, I had no control of the noises that were coming out of my mouth. I started to feel the overwhelming urge to push and could feel his head start to crown ever so slowly. June asked me to flip round so she could monitor things as Seb came out. This was by far the most brutal part, I remember a maternity assistant appearing at my head when I was pushing and she gave me her hand- I just held her hand to my face and said 'I'm not letting go of this hand!!'
“I had done it”
Andrew had my other hand and I just pushed with all of my strength when each contraction came. His head came out and I felt so much relief! He just stayed there under water for a little while whilst waiting for my next contraction, Andrew said it was amazing to watch. With the next push, out came his body and he was on my chest-at 09:58am I had done it!!!
(Hour and a half from 8cm dilation to delivery), I was so so bloody proud of myself.
“I had my dream birth”
We lay in the pool together until the umbilical chord had finished pulsing, just staring at each other and feeling both exhaustion but absolute exhilaration. Seb was given to Andrew whilst I was taken out the pool to deliver my placenta with help from the injection. I just lay on the bed staring at my husband and son and just felt the best feeling I've ever felt- utter bliss. Our family was complete. Our experience at Sunderland was incredible and I'd honestly recommend a water birth to anyone. I had my dream birth and found the strength inside of me to trust my body to do what it's meant to do!
Rebecca and Andrew - Sunderland - 2023