How Lauren and Colin used hypnobirthing during their 2 home births.
You hear from me all the time how amazing hypnobirthing is for pregnancy and labour. I thought it would be useful to hear from someone else who has used hypnobirthing twice. Lauren details how she used hypnobirthing techniques during the birth of her 2 children.
Lauren kindly agreed to chat with me live on Instagram and tell us all how she prepared for her 2 home births using hypnobirthing. Lauren was a client of Abby’s in 2018, I was so grateful as a trainee hypnobirthing teacher to sit in on this class. Whilst Lauren wasn’t a client of mine, I do teach the same hypnobirthing course that she received from Abby to my own clients now.
Lauren initially thought that a planned caesarean birth was the path that she wanted to take when she was pregnant with her first baby, she had heard plenty of horror stories, haven’t we all? However, after taking a hypnobirthing course, she decided that actually a home birth would be perfect for her and her husband, Colin.
Lauren describes how she used the hypnobirthing techniques during her pregnancy to allow her to feel confident about birth:
The classes brought her and Colin closer together as a couple, it allowed Colin to feel like he was playing an active role during the pregnancy and during the labour too.
Lauren religiously dedicated time to practise her hypnobirthing tools during pregnancy, allowing herself some time for self care but also building her confidence for birth.
Lauren watched and read plenty of birth stories to fill her mind with positivity.
She used essential oils and massage during pregnancy to act as a trigger for relaxation.
She felt informed and empowered (from everything that she had learnt on the course) to trust her body and allow birth to happen.
Lauren then goes on to tell us which particular hypnobirthing techniques helped her during labour:
All of the techniques that Lauren refers to are taught on my courses in detail.
You can watch the full chat that we had here. Lauren speaks about how her husband was initially sceptical but then realised how logical and rational hypnobirthing was.
You can listen to me read out Lauren’s birth story over on my Instagram page here or you can read the full birth story over on Abby’s website here.
If you want to feel empowered, confident and fully prepared for the birth of your baby then take a look at my upcoming classes:
To read more positive birth stories using hypnobirthing, head to the links below:
Positive Birth Centre Birth Story
My very own birth story at Pinderfields birth centre using hypnobirthing.
Positive Hospital Birth Story
A wonderfully, empowering hospital birth in the middle of the pandemic using hypnobirthing.
Positive Home Birth Story
A beautiful home birth in Wakefield, using a birth pool and hypnobirthing.