My top 5 positive affirmations for birth as a hypnobirthing teacher
And how to use positive birth affirmations during labour
In actual fact, I used all of these positive birth affirmations during my own natural labour.
I relied solely upon my hypnobirthing techniques to help me birth my baby in the most empowering way back in 2018. Positive affirmations for birth were such a crutch for me during a contraction, I would repeat them to myself over and over again.
So, how do positive affirmations work for birth?
My own positive affirmation cards for birth, labour and parenthood - these are available to anyone who books a hypnobirthing course with me or purchases the Pregnancy Relaxation Essentials Kit (£19.99)
Positive birth affirmations are statements about birth that are designed to fill our unconscious mind with positives about labour (it’s best to start using them during pregnancy so you have plenty of time for this to happen.)
They work by accessing the unconscious part of our mind (the bit that we will be using during labour) and they plant little seeds of confidence, calmness, motivation, inspiration and strength there.
You can either make up your own positive statements ( by using the checklist below) or you can purchase my pregnancy relaxation essentials kit that includes a pack of 28 positive affirmation cards for birth, labour and parenthood here.
From ‘argh’ to ‘ahh’ in less than 8 minutes
The pregnancy relaxation essential kit includes:
A pack of 28 positive affirmation cards
2 x pregnancy relaxation tracks to download
Journal prompts (PDF)
If you think that positive affirmations are rubbish, believe me, you are wrong. We see so many athletes using positive statements. Labour is a form of exercise too, we can prepare for birth, the same way that an athlete would prepare for a marathon. Positive affirmations are so powerful, we even see people such as Oprah and JLo using them.
How to create your own positive affirmations for birth
It’s very simple really, grab some paper (post-it notes, card, postcards) and a pen. Follow the below rules and ‘hey presto’ you have your very own positive affirmations for birth and labour.
1/ Write the affirmations in the present tense
2/ Make sure you keep them positive
3/ Keep them short
4/ Put some emotion in there
5/ Make them specific to you
Image of the positive birth affirmation cards that come with the pregnancy relaxation essentials kit
How to use your positive affirmations during pregnancy, birth and postpartum:
Using positive affirmations during pregnancy:
Once you have put pen to paper (or received your positive affirmations in the post), place the cards around your home. Pop them next to the kettle, near your toothbrush, by the front door, they need to be in places where you will see them every day. You could even take pictures of them and set them as your screensaver on your phone or laptop. There are lots of different ways to use them.
The idea here, is that you will see the positive affirmations for birth every single day (you might not even realise that you have read them but your unconscious mind will have) and they plant little seeds of positivity into your mind.
Using positive affirmations during labour:
Take them with you to your place of birth and pop them around the room, as you pace up and down, have read of them, they will help to motivate and inspire you. You could even make the positive birth affirmations into bunting if you wanted or attach them to string, the possibilities are endless. I memorised my favourites and repeated them to myself during a contraction.
Top tip: Make sure your birth partner knows which birth affirmations are your favourite so they can repeat them to you if you need a little encouragement.
Using positive affirmations after birth:
To this day, I still use positive affirmations for parenthood and my little girl is 4 years old. I especially found them useful during the early days of becoming a new Mum, when I was healing, emotional and adjusting to my new life. This is the exact reason why all of my hypnobirthing clients receive a pack of positive affirmations for labour but also for parenthood. The affirmation cards are reversible so that the positive statements can always be used.
My top 5 positive birth affirmations that I used during my own labour:
5/ The more relaxed I am, the more comfortable I feel:
A constant reminder to myself to relax and let go during labour. I understood how the uterus muscles worked and I knew that in order to facilitate the process of birth and for it to be more comfortable it was important for me to relax. Sometimes, I needed that gentle nudge to stay calm and let go.
4/ My surges cannot be stronger than me, because they are a part of me:
Towards the very end of labour, when things became intense and powerful, I would mutter this affirmation to myself, a reminder that these sensations are a part of me and I am in control. My husband repeated this affirmation to me at stages too.
3/ I breathe in calmness and breathe out tension:
A reminder that your breath is such a powerful tool to help keep you calm, flood your body with oxytocin and keep you present. I used to visualise breathing in warm sunlight to relax my body and then exhaling out any tension on the outbreathe.
2/ My body and my baby know how to give birth:
In times of doubt (when I hit the transitioning stage of labour) I needed something to motivate me, to give me that boost to carry on and it was this affirmation that did that. It allowed me to trust the process of birth, to trust that my body and baby knew what to do. It was almost a little “you’ve got this” that I would say to myself and my baby.
1/ Each surge that I have brings me closer to meeting my baby:
Knowing that each contraction would get me a little closer to the moment I would meet my baby provided me with such strength. This particular birth affirmation prompted me to remember that each surge was leading me to the destination. It was all worth it, I was one step closer each time.
Is your favourite birth affirmation on the list?
If it’s not then don’t worry, we will all resonate with different statements and that is the power of positive affirmations, you can make your own, one’s that are personal to you.
If you too, love these positive birth affirmations then…
All of the above statements are included in the pack of 28 affirmation cards that all of my clients receive when they book a course with me.
These are not an ordinary pack of affirmation cards though, they are unique in that once you have given birth you turn the card over and there is a positive affirmation for parenthood too. 14 positive affirmations for birth and labour (with the symbol of two hearts in a person) and then 14 positive affirmations for parenthood too (with the symbol of 2 hearts on their own.)
You can purchase these exact positive affirmations as part of my Pregnancy Relaxation Essentials Kit (just £19.99) here
Pregnancy Relaxation Essentials Kit
Helping you to switch off, connect with your pregnancy and build your confidence for birth in less than 8 minutes
A pack of positive affirmation cards
2 x pregnancy relaxation tracks to use during pregnancy and labour
Pregnancy journal prompts (to download)
All of my hypnobirthing clients will receive a pack of these positive affirmation cards in their welcome pack.