Bump, Birth And Baby Blog
All my tips, knowledge and experience from bump to baby in one place, featuring a few guest blogs along the way.
Rising Pregnancy and Birth trends for 2023 that you might want to consider.
My top predicted, rising trends for pregnancy and birth in 2023. Have you already planned some of these things for your pregnancy and labour or are they just damn right weird?
10 things to do when you start maternity leave - to help you prepare for birth
The days and weeks leading up to birth are really important. There’s lots that you can be doing whilst on maternity leave to help you prepare for labour, don’t worry it’s a list of nice things.
What I packed in my hospital bag for labour VS what I actually used from my hospital bag when giving birth
Find out what you really need to pack in your hospital bag ready for labour. Here I talk about my own birth bag and what I used from it during labour. You might be surprised to find out my top 3 essentials to pack for labour.
I Gave Birth In Secret - Here’s Why I Would Recommend It
I gave birth without telling any of my family or friends that I was in labour. Here’s why I would do it again.
Can hypnobirthing help to reduce pain during childbirth?
Giving birth is often used as the benchmark for measuring pain in life. But what if I told you that there are ways to reduce the amount of pain you might experience during labour, to make yourself more comfortable when having contractions. It is possible, using hypnobirthing techniques.
10 Essential Items To Buy For The Newborn Period - As Shared By Real Mums
What do you really need for a newborn baby? I asked my Instagram followers what their most essential items were for the fourth trimester and popped it in a blog post for you.
Pregnant in Leeds or Wakefield and looking for a group hypnobirthing class?
A group hypnobirthing course run in Wakefield for expectant parents who want to feel confident, informed and fully prepared for their upcoming birth. A full birth preparation course that will equip you with techniques for a calm and empowered labour whilst you get the opportunity to meet other local expectant parents.
My top 5 positive affirmations for birth as a hypnobirthing teacher
As a hypnobirthing teacher of 4 years, I of course have my favourite affirmations for birth, I wanted to share them with you and explain why I love them so much.